Frequently Asked Questions
Will my family member have opportunities to interact socially within Dubie’s Love and the community?
—Yes, the residents are highly encouraged to participate in the activities sponsored by Dubie’s Love. These regular activities include bowling, physical fitness trips to the Y.M.C.A., and participation in The Virginia Special Olympics, shopping trips, and sometimes going on short excursions when you feel like you just need to get out of the house!
How much does it cost for my family member to live at Dubie’s Love?
For information regarding fees for full-time residents,
please contact:
Ms. Rhonda Taylor
You may also send an e-mail to us at
Resident fees cover the cost of providing a home and all of its furnishings, all of the expenses associated with running a home such as utilities, food, and travel expenses to and from activities, doctor's visits, etc.
Contact Us!
Is there currently room for my family members with developmental disabilities (DD), including but not limited to intellectual disabilities.s at Dubie’s Love?
—Yes, currently, we have a few slots available. If this changes, the website will be updated to reflect the current availability. We are currently meeting with prospective residents.
Click HERE to review our Application Process
Is a resident able to bring their own furnishings for their room?
—Yes. Residents are encouraged to use their own furnishings and decorations. After all, it is their home! If, however, a resident wishes, we will gladly furnish their room for them.
My family member attends church on a regular basis. Is Dubie’s Love affiliated with any specific denomination, and, can Dubie’s Love arrange for supervised attendance at a local church?
—No. Dubie’s Love is a non-denominational organization whose values are centered on the fact that the residents conduct themselves in accordance with what one would expect from a good neighbor.
—Yes. There are a number of churches of varying denominations within a brief driving distance of Dubie’s Love. Staff members are available to travel to Church with your family member and stay with them at the service.
Is Dubie’s Love licensed?
—Yes. Dubie’s Love is licensed by The Department of Behavioral Health and Human Services (DBHDS). We are responsible for adherence to the guidelines set forth by the DBHDS.